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Note that this is a Sunday event and it starts at 7:30 am!

At the request of the restaurant, we are limiting the group to no more than 30 people. Please ensure you use the Register for Event button above so that we have an accurate count. Our members who use Facebook should ensure they register here too!

Also, if circumstances change and you are unable to attend, please let us know. Hint: Try clicking on ‘Already registered?’ to the right of the ‘Register for Event!’ button.

The Covid situation here in Arizona is greatly improved. We have managed to make a group reservation for breakfast at the Soul Cafe in North Scottsdale!

Please join us to eat some great food, get to know one another (renewing old friendships and forging new ones) and talk BMWs.

Whether you are a new member or a long-standing member please come out and introduce yourself.

We look forward to seeing you there!

When you use the ‘Register for Event’ button above, be sure to include first names for all attendees in your group so that we can prepare name tags and maintain an accurate count. Wait a minute after clicking once on the button to allow the system time to process your request – you will receive a confirming notice and an email.