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At the request of the restaurant, we are limiting the group to no more than 20 people. Please ensure you use the ‘Register for Event’ button above so that we have an accurate count. Our members who use Facebook should ensure they register here too!

If circumstances change and you are unable to attend, please let us know. Hint: Try clicking on ‘Already registered?’ to the right of the ‘Register for Event!’ button.

Come unwind with us, for a midweek break.  This month we are at the Raven Gastropub in North Scottsdale.

There’s nothing better than a happy hour and dinner with like-minded enthusiasts, so come talk cars over some delicious local brews. Who knows, you may find a new favorite craft beer, make a friend, or even find some driving buddies. Plus, you’ll be supporting small businesses and stimulating the local economy!

We look forward to seeing you on the second Wednesday of most months (please check the calendar).

When you use the ‘Register for Event’ button above, be sure to include first names for all attendees in your group so that we can prepare name tags and maintain an accurate count. Wait a minute after clicking once on the button to allow the system time to process your request – you will receive a confirming notice and an email.